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Learning outcomes descriptions 3.5.a

Competence description VQTS:

3.5.a Is able to assist in managing and, if applicable, placing medical devices according to medical products and guidelines.    

Competence (EQF)SkillsKnowledge

The professional caregiver applies basic medical devices in basic nursing treatments and is able to clean all kind of medical devices under consideration of hygiene guidelines. This is done autonomously and independently but according to instructions. 

































The professional caregiver is able to:

  • use disinfectant dispensers and prepare disinfectant solutions (see also CA.4.1),
  • clean urine bottles and bedpans (e.g. with automatic bedpan washer),
  • assist in applying mobilisation and transfer aids (e.g. lifter, transfer trapeze) (see also CA.2.3),
  • assist in applying glucometers,
  • clean and apply blood pressure meters (see also CA.1.1),
  • clean and apply clinical thermometers (e.g. in ear, rectal) (see also CA.1.1),
  • measure weight and height of a patient/client (e.g. with different bathroom scales),
  • clean and use a refrigerator (e.g. for medications, ice packs),
  • assist in performing suctioning of a patient/client,
  • report and document results of measurements (see also CA.A.2 and CA.1.1),
  • clean and document the cleaning of medical devices within the local protocol (see also CA.4.1),
  • clean beds and adjust settings on electrical and manually operated beds (see also CA.4.1),
  • use functioning medical devices only (see also CA.A.3). 

The professional caregiver is able to:

  • explain legal regulations and consequences regarding medical devices (see also CA.B.3),
  • name different disinfectants and their application area (e.g. hands, surfaces, devices) (see also CA.4.1),
  • explain importance of disinfecting near-patient/client devices,
  • describe the process of transferring a patient/client with aids (e.g. lifter),
  • describe measurement of blood glucose and the normal values (see also CA.1.1),
  • name normal and abnormal values of vital parameters (see also CA.1.1),
  • explain the measurement of vital signs using medical devices,
  • explain the calculation of BMI and name necessary parameters (see also CA.1.2),
  • explain necessity for a refrigerator for storing medication in the facility (e.g. opened drops, storage rules),
  • name basic rules of infection protection regarding medical devices (see also CA.4.1),
  • explain functional checks on medical devices.

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