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Learning outcomes descriptions 3.5.c

Competence description VQTS:

3.5.c Is able to assist in and perform related medical procedures.       

Competence (EQF)SkillsKnowledge

The professional caregiver autonomously and independently applies monitoring systems and invasive medical devices according to the treatment plan and if applicable places medical devices on the patient/client. 
































The professional caregiver is able to:
  • apply vital monitoring (e.g. portable monitor),
  • provide ultrasound devices for attendant physician,
  • apply a manual defibrillator (e.g. connect electrodes) (see also CA.3.6),
  • apply vacuum bandages and change waste containers (see also CA.3.3),
  • perform a functional check before using medical technology for complex applications (e.g. hardware check for ventilation machines),
  • check medical devices for administering medicines or gavage during use for correct function and accurate application quantities (e.g. infusion pumps, nutritional pumps) (see also CA.3.2),
  • apply all types of monitors for monitoring patients/clients (e.g. set and activate alarms on monitors),
  • connect all types of venous and/or arterial lines/sets to catheters for administering drips/medications and elevate all possible measurement (e.g. fluid-filled arterial blood pressure system onto an arterial catheter, fluid-filled manifold with infusion sets onto a central venous catheter, arterial blood pressure, Picco®, CVP),
  • make breathing machines ready (e.g. portable machines, fixed ventilators),
  • apply breathing machines and care for mechanically ventilated patients/clients (e.g. for mask CPAP, for intubated patients/clients),
  • set up and apply dialysis (e.g. via CVVHDF, dialysis machines),
  • choose different dialysis liquids (e.g. peritoneal dialysis, dialysis liquids with different potassium),
  • use different patient warmer/cooler systems (e.g. heating/cooling mat, special cooling systems for patients/clients after cardiac arrest),
  • set up and apply different invasive support systems (e.g. IABP, Impella®),
  • set up and apply procedures of extra corporal oxygenation (e.g. ECMO, ECLA),
  • prepare and work with equipment for intubation and tracheotomy (e.g. laryngoscope, different respiratory tubes),
  • assist in intubation of patients/clients or perform intubation of patients/clients,
  • use laboratory machines (e.g. blood gas analyser),
  • set up and use special systems and machines for sedation of patients/clients (e.g. AnaConDa®),
  • set up and use contrast agent applicators,
  • set up and run machines for imaging procedures (e.g. for bronchoscopy, colonoscopy),
  • set up and apply mechanical reanimation equipment (e.g. Lifeguard®),
  • apply surgical tables and surgical lamps,
  • apply special monitoring methods (e.g. BIS®, relaxometry),
  • set up and apply electro coagulator,
  • assist in the promotion of X-ray-devices (e.g. portable, C-arm),
  • set up and apply a heart-lung machine,
  • set up and apply anaesthesia machines.



The professional caregiver is able to:

  • explain the normal values and deviations of an ECG (e.g. sinus rhythm, P wave, QRS complex) (see also CA.1.1),
  • name situations that require monitoring of patient/client (e.g. life-threatening situation, after surgery),
  • explain the check on medical products regarding durability and sterility (see also CA.A.3),
  • name equipment on monitors (e.g. ECG cable, RR cable, cable for measuring various pressures),
  • describe different sets/types of lines for invasive measurement methods (e.g. for CVP, arterial blood pressure, ICP),
  • describe normal and abnormal values of invasive measurements (e.g. arterial middle blood pressure, CVP),
  • describe the anatomy and physiology of lungs and breathing,
  • describe the anatomy and physiology of heart and circulatory system,
  • name and explain diseases that can lead to necessity of artificial respiration (e.g. pulmonary oedema, sepsis),
  • describe different ventilation modes (e.g. CPAP, BIPAP, SIMV),
  • name different parameters and settings on breathing machines and explain their meaning (e.g. PEEP, ASB, breathing rate),
  • describe side effects of mechanical ventilation of patient/client,
  • describe anatomy and physiology of the kidneys,
  • name diseases that can lead to need for dialysis (e.g. acute and chronic kidney failure),
  • describe diseases of the kidneys,
  • explain how dialysis works,
  • explain anticoagulation with citrate in dialysis (e.g. treatment with CVVH),
  • explain how invasive support systems work (e.g. IABP, Impella®),
  • explain pathophysiology of acute respiratory deficiency syndrome,
  • explain how extra corporal oxygenation procedures work (e.g. ECMO, ECLA),
  • describe the procedure of intubation (e.g. oral, nasal),
  • name values within blood gas analysis and describe deviations (e.g. pH shifts, increase of bicarbonate),
  • explain sedation regimes,
  • explain range of application of contrast agents and their risks and side effects,
  • explain special monitoring methods (e.g. BIS®, relaxometry),
  • explain electrocoagulation,
  • explain dealing with X-rays (e.g. self-protection, use of gonad protection),
  • explain working method and application area of heart-lung machines,
  • explain the necessity for contrast agent application,
  • explain the preparation of anaesthesia machines. 


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