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Learning outcomes descriptions 2.4.c

Competence description VQTS:

2.4.c Is able to

  • place and maintain urinary catheters,
  • place and handle enemas and bowel catheter systems.      
Competence (EQF)SkillsKnowledge

The professional caregiver is able to autonomously and independently maintain urinary and bowel catheters, place and handle urinary and bowel catheters and administer irrigations and enemas into catheter systems. 




































The professional caregiver is able to:

  • inform the patient/client about administering catheters and the procedure,
  • choose the right kind and size of urinary catheters (e.g. for male or female patients/clients, 14 Charrière),
  • choose and prepare materials for administering urinary catheters (e.g. anaesthesia gel, blocking liquid),
  • apply sterile working methods in administering catheter systems,
  • place urinary catheters,
  • choose and prepare materials for administering suprapubic catheters,
  • place suprapubic catheters,
  • choose the correct drainage system for specific diseases and the patient’s/client’s needs (e.g. hourly urometer, leg pouch),
  • perform bladder irrigation (e.g. single dose, continuous),
  • choose material for administering faecal collectors,
  • apply faecal collectors,
  • choose material for administering rectal tubes and enemas,
  • perform rectal enemas,
  • perform enemas into stomata and provide stoma care (see also CA.3.4),
  • choose material for administering bowel catheter systems,
  • apply bowel catheter systems,
  • perform irrigation of bowel catheter systems,
  • prepare and administer medication regulating excretion according to prescription (e.g. oral medications, bowel enema, fleet enema, enema to infants) (see also CA.3.2),
  • remove all kinds of urinary catheters,
  • remove all kinds of stool catheters.   

The professional caregiver is able to:

  • describe the anatomy of the genitourinary system,
  • name various kinds of urinary catheters (e.g. Tiemann, Foley, Nelaton),
  • explain the meaning of the size of catheters (e.g. 12 Charrière regarding the size of the urethra of the patient/client),
  • name materials needed for administering urinary catheters,
  • explain indications and contraindications for urinary catheterisation,
  • explain the technique of administering urinary catheters (e.g. washing patient/client, sterile working method),
  • explain risks of urinary catheters (e.g. urethritis),
  • explain indications and contraindications for suprapubic catheters,
  • describe the technique of administering suprapubic catheters,
  • name various kinds of urometers and their applications,
  • explain reasons and diseases behind bladder irrigations (e.g. single dose bladder irrigation, continuous bladder irrigation),
  • discuss the use of urinary catheters and suprapubic catheters,
  • name durations of catheterisation with different catheters (e.g. silicon urinary catheter, bowel catheter systems),
  • describe the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • explain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis),
  • name reasons for administering medication to regulate excretion,
  • name requirements for administering faecal collectors (relating to skin, patient’s/client’s condition),
  • name necessary materials and explain the technique of administering faecal collectors,
  • name materials and describe technique of administering rectal tubes and enemas,
  • name and describe diseases that lead to restrictions in self-sufficiency regarding excretion (e.g. ankylosing spondylitis, disc prolapse),
  • explain deviations in the body's osmole regulation regarding enemas and bowels (e.g. high/low osmolality, changes in sodium level and body fluids),
  • explain their own behaviour when removing all kinds of urinary catheters.
  • explain their own behaviour when removing all kinds of stool catheters. 

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