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Learning outcomes descriptions 1.2.a

Competence description VQTS:

1.2.a Is able to assist in developing nursing diagnoses based on collected data.      

Competence (EQF)SkillsKnowledge

The professional caregiver is able to autonomously and independently identify nursing care problems and assist in the development of nursing diagnoses.













































The professional caregiver is able to:

  • identify care problems (e.g. self-care deficits in eating, risk of bed sores, risk of urinary infection),
  • involve the patient/client and relevant others in identifying care problems,
  • recognise situations that lead to possible changes in the nursing diagnosis,
  • recognise and report changes in the patient/client regarding care problems and the nursing diagnosis,
  • attend and assist in the determination of the nursing diagnosis,
  • analyse collected data regarding their relevance for nursing diagnoses,
  • report information about the patient’s/client’s health status (e.g. in meetings on nursing diagnoses).

The professional caregiver is able to:

  • describe the term “care problem”,
  • describe the meaning of nursing diagnoses,
  • explain their own behaviour regarding involving the patient/client in the detection of care problems,
  • define the term “self-care deficit”,
  • list deviations from the patient’s/client’s normal health status regarding nursing care problems,
  • name data influencing the nursing diagnosis,
  • name frequent chronic diseases influencing the nursing diagnosis,
  • explain the analysis of collected data regarding the nursing diagnosis,
  • name contributing factors to various nursing diagnoses.

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