EUcareNET invites network partners to join learning activity on "Transparency of hea lthcare qualifications across borders”
Europe faces a demographic change since many years. The effects of an aging society are visible in many sectors, but particularly in the healthcare sector. Transparency and validation of competences gained outside of the national formal education system are therefore more important than ever before tohelp overcoming the partially already severe skill mismatches acrossthe European Union.
The first EUcareNET network event will be realised as a joined eventaiming to facilitate sharing and learning among andwith the EUcareNET network partners. It provides a platform for stakeholders interested in the recognition of prior learning within healthcare specifically nursing to exchange about emerging practices, learn about project initiatives, benefit from research results and gain an overview about recognition in other countries in Europe and around the globe. Mutual learning, sharing and networking describe the major character of the overall event.
The EUcareNet partnership invites researches as well as coordinators and promoters of projects and initiatives to contribute to the event through different kinds of learning activities such as workshops, presentationsand/or a stand or poster in the events market place. The overall event will focus on the following topics:
- Transnational migration in health care
- Country-specific challenges in the different health care systems
- Emerging skill needs and digitalisation within health care
- Recognition of foreign qualificationsin health care
- Recognition of non-and informal learning within health care
- Qualification pathways of health care professionals.
The EUcareNET and HCEU project consortia are happy to invite you to the EUcareNET networking event aiming to facilitate learning and sharing among professionals working and interested in the field of recognition of prior learning within healthcare with the major aim to start up a continuous dialogue and exchange related to validation of prior learning within healthcare.
Please find further information at www.EUcareNET.eu.