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Learning outcomes descriptions 3.3.a

Competence description VQTS:
3.3.a To be able to
  • take care of wounds,
  • prevent wounds,
  • assist in wound care.
Competence (EQF)SkillsKnowledge

The professional caregiver is able to autonomously and independently take care of wounds, prevent them according to prescription, and assist in assessing and dressing wounds. 


































The professional caregiver is able to:

  • recognise if the patient/client is in pain through wound care,
  • distinguish between different types of wounds (e.g. pressure ulcers, ulcers, stomata, open wounds),
  • apply aseptic wound care techniques,
  • remove old dressings, classify contaminated materials and dispose appropriately (see also CA.4.1),
  • apply a first-time dressing of wounds,
  • assist in applying different types of dressings for different kinds of wounds (e.g. dry sterile dressing, hydrocolloid dressing, saline-moistened dressings),
  • recognise risks for pressure ulcer development and apply prophylactic measures to prevent them (see also CA.2.3),
  • assist in rinsing and cleaning wounds (e.g. sterile irrigation of pressure ulcers),
  • assist in removing sutures and surgical staples,
  • assist in applying different techniques of wound care (e.g. tape, bandage, wound pouching),
  • assist in applying special wound treatments (e.g. heat, cold, oxygen therapy),
  • assist in care for all kinds of wound drains (e.g. Penrose, Jackson Pratt, Hemovac, Davol, T-Tube),
  • work collaboratively with a multi-disciplinary team to prevent and treat wounds,
  • prevent wounds and injuries while applying safety rules (see also CA.4.3).

The professional caregiver is able to:

  • describe wound classification (e.g. open-closed, intentional-unintentional, chronic-acute),
  • explain causes for various kinds of wounds (e.g. incision, contusion, abrasion, laceration, puncture, penetrating, avulsion, microbial, chemical, thermal, irradiation),
  • describe principles of asepsis in wound care,
  • name the risk factors for pressure ulcer development,
  • describe prophylaxis of pressure ulcers,
  • describe age-related skin alterations,
  • describe their own behaviour when patient/client is in pain,
  • name various wound dressings and bandages,
  • describe treatment of pressure ulcers,
  • name infection control policies and procedures,
  • explain the psychological effects of wounds (e.g. pain, anxiety, fear, changes in body image),
  • describe risks related to removing sutures and surgical staples,
  • explain the removal of wound dressings.

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