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Presentation of HCEU results at 3rd "Zukunftskongress Migration & Integration" in Berlin (DE)

The 3rd Future congress on migration and integration took place on September 14th and 15th in Berlin in the premisses of Press and Information Office of the Federal Government of Germany. The project coordinator DEKRA took the chance to implement a workshop together with Bertelsmann Stiftung on tools within validation of prior learning. Claudia Ball (HCEU project coordinator at DEKRA) and Dr. Martin Noack (Senior Expert at Bertelsmann Stiftung) presented different tools developed by both...


HCEU findings presented at ECER in Copenhagen (DK)

Together with Tanja Bacher (3s), Marjan Khobreh (University Siegen) and Dr. Thorsten Dunkel (NABIBB), TU Dresden (Prof. Dr. Sandra Bohlinger and Luisa Kresse) conducted a research workshop on the topic “Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change in the Health Care Sector” at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Copenhagen (DK). The workshop took place within the network “Vocational Education and Training” on Friday, 25 August 2017.
Within this workshop...


HCEU looks for experts for matrix extension

The HCEU consortium publishes three calls for extensions of the HCEU matrix on "Professional Care" on the following topics:
Call for the Validation of a VQTS competence matrix "Professional Care" (incl. "Nursing" and Elder Care Nurse") in the Netherlands and Denmark Call for the Development of an Organisational Profiles for national qualifications/ certificates leading to a nursing qualification in Albania and UkraineCall for the development of a competence...


HCEU findings presented by TU Dresden at JVET Conference in Oxford

This biennial international conference took place at the Worcester College in Oxford/England from 06-09 July 2017. The conference provides a forum for debates concerning all aspects of vocational education and training and developments in work and learning since 1995. For 2017, the Committee was mainly interested in themes such as
The impact of changes in work on VETThe impact of global economic change on VETVocational knowledgeAccreditation of prior learning in VETComparative studies of...


BWP (DE) publishes article on HCEU in January 2017 issue

The German VET journal BWP published in its January 2017 issue an article about the HCEU project and the HCEU matrix on professional care as part of an overall issue on nuring and elderly care and recognition of prior learning. The article can be accessed here:

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