NIPIP (PL) reports about HCEU in May 2016 issue
The Polish Nursing magazin reported in its May 2016 issue on the HCEU project and the event in Krakow in March 2017. Please read on here: http://nipip.pl/magazyn-pielegniarki-poloznej-52016/
HCEU project results presented at Pro Nursing Symposium
June 2016: The Pro-Nursing consortium held its final symposium in Bonn on 24th June, 2016. They welcomed participants from 7 EU-countries, namely, Austria, England, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands. Besides the HCEU research partner 3s from Austria who presented the HCEU intermediate competence matrix on "Nursing", also Dr. Torsten Dunkel from National Agency Education for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (NA-BiBB), Mr. Carl...
Pro-Nursing and HealthCareEurope sign associated partnership agreement
May 2016: HealthCareEurope signed an associated partisanship agreement with the related European project ProNursing (www.pro-nursing.eu). Pro Nursing aimed at bridging between tasks, knowledge domains and nursing curricula within nursing. The project has been implemented between September 2014 and August 2016 by a European consortium under lead of University of Siegen. ProNursing results are meant to support nursing educators and supervisors to sustain the quality of nursing care in both...
Mar 2016: HCEU partners discuss recognition praxis with Polish stakeholders
On 17 March 2016 the HCEU partners met with Polish stakeholders representing the health sector in Krakow (PL). The very first draft of the HCEU matrix on nursing that has been developed throughout the 1st project months by the partners has been put up for discussion.
Workshop participants engaged into intensive and controversial debates on the further development and revision of this early matrix draft. This has been especially the case with regard to the scope of the matrix and the fields of...
Jan 2016: Programme 1st HCEU international workshop, 17 March 2016, Krakow (PL)
"Making healthcare qualifications comparable across borders in Europe"
A workshop for healthcare, education and recognition experts and professionals 17 March 2016, 11 am – 4 pm, Qubus Hotel, Krakow (PL), workshop language: EnglishYou are cordially invited to join the HCEU project consortium at Qubus hotel in Krakow (PL) on 17 March 2016 for the European HCEU workshop on “Making healthcare qualifications comparable across borders”.
Workshop invitationWorkshop programme